Marko Buyer Protection
Enjoy secure and worry-free shopping on marko.
Buyers Protection fee
Every purchase on marko is protected by the marko Buyer Protection. It helps ensure safe payments, gives you the right to claim a refund, and access customer support. Buyer Protection costs a fixed fee of 5% of your item’s price (minimum 0.50 CHF).
Fraud protection
On marko, you do not have to worry about fraud. Sellers only get paid, once you accepted the item. If the item never arrives or is not as advertised, you receive your money back.
Return policy
Once you received an item, you have two days to inspect it. If it ends up not being as expected, you can initiate a return and ship it back to the seller. You will be responsible for the shipping costs, but we will refund you the price of the item.
Secure payment
All marko payments are encrypted and handled by our trusted partner Stripe. That way, both your money and information is protected.
marko support
You can reach out to us 24/7 and expect a reply within 24 hours. Our team will see every issue through to its resolution.
hey, churzi frag zum t-shirt: isches eher eng oder locker? wie isches bi dir so? i weis nid öb mä hie cha fotos schickä, aber chasch mer schüsch ou eifach d mass gä. mercii viu mau! :)
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bi mir sitzt es locker also relativ baggy i chan süs no eh bild ine tue wie i es ah han
wäri vllt brief versand o müglech? für das es günstiger chunnt? (me müesst eifach bim inserat uf individuellen versand ner 2.- igäh) wär mega lieb:)
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mercii viu mau
Ja das wör möglich, chönt i mache