

  • Condition: Used - Excellent
  • Shoe size: 38
CHF 70.00

CHF 73.50 Incl. Buyer protection

A fee of 5% (CHF 3.50) is added to every purchase for the Marko Buyer Protection to cover secure payment and our refund policy.

Delivery options

Parcel, from CHF 7.00
Pick-Up in Zürich 8049, Free


Loafer Heels Velevet 
Nur einmal getragen, in einem sehr guten Zustand. 
Original Preis 179,99 CHF
  • Condition: Used - Excellent
  • Shoe size: 38
  • Occasion & Season: Christmas, Winter, Fall
  • Color: Burgundy
  • Gender: Female
  • Heel height: High heel (8 - 10 cm)
  • Shoe width: Narrow


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