Ich erneure gerne meinen Kleiderschrank, möchte meine Kleider, welche meist noch in sehr gutem Zustand sind jedoch nicht einfach wegwerfen und denen ein neues zu Hause schenken. So haben alle Freude daran. Bezahlung per Bank oder Twint möglich. Gutes Einkaufen!

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Levi's XL/42

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 25.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 1.25

Total price

CHF 26.25


Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 40.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 2.00

Total price

CHF 42.00


Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 40.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 2.00

Total price

CHF 42.00

Ellesse M/38

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 35.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 1.75

Total price

CHF 36.75

Mango XL/42

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 35.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 1.75

Total price

CHF 36.75

Tommy Hilfiger L/40

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 35.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 1.75

Total price

CHF 36.75


Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 50.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 2.50

Total price

CHF 52.50

Noisy May L/40

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 15.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 0.75

Total price

CHF 15.75

Zara M/38

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 20.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 1.00

Total price

CHF 21.00

9 out of 9 products