Hi! Ich verkaufe hauptsächlich Kleidung, die ich selten oder sogar nie getragen habe - viele Stücke sind wie neu! Ich achte auf Qualität und einen fairen Preis. Schau dich gern um, vielleicht ist etwas für dich dabei 🌞

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Zara S/36

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 17.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 0.85

Total price

CHF 17.85

Pimkie S/36

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 21.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 1.05

Total price

CHF 22.05

Monki XS/34

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 14.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 0.70

Total price

CHF 14.70

Mango XS/34

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 30.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 1.50

Total price

CHF 31.50


Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 80.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 4.00

Total price

CHF 84.00

Zara XS/34

Price breakdown

Optional delivery costs are applied at checkout.


CHF 60.00

Buyer protection fee

CHF 3.00

Total price

CHF 63.00

6 out of 6 products