Hey guys, I thrifted this cool hoodie a few months ago. It’s a really cool piece and can be worn with different styles. It’s also perfect for the fall season, because the material is a little “thicker”. It’s giving this cool vintage look. I love to pair it with some simple baggy jeans.
heyy, sorry for the late response but I‘m currently waiting for a confirmation from marko. I needed to send them a picture of my ID 😩💓 I hope it will be done by today
How does the hoodie fit like obersized or slim fit?
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I would say more oversize, but depends on your size ig 😁
hey! how come you’re selling this? 💓
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Idk I‘m just not wearing it anymore😩
oh ok! would you do 12? :)
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hey! i’m trying to buy it but it’s not letting me for some reason? it says it has to do with the “destination account”? x
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heyy, oh is it now working? I‘m not sure what destination account means😭💓But It should work now, so that u can buy it x
hey! marko support said you have to complete some additional authentication on your side and then i can buy it :)
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Thank u for ur patience🙏🏼💓I‘m currently waiting on a answer from the support, cause I can’t find any authentication option😭😭
no worries !! :)
hey! have you heard anything back :)
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Now it should work💓They are done with the verification!
heyy, sorry for the late response but I‘m currently waiting for a confirmation from marko. I needed to send them a picture of my ID 😩💓 I hope it will be done by today
do you have a fitpic ?
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