
Red Jewelry Box

  • État: Utilisé - Excellent
31,00 CHF
Était: 45,00 CHF

32,55 CHF incl. Protection Acheteur

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9 articles vendus

Introducing the round Ying Yang Euclide box by Davidt's. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings - each piece of jewelry will find its place in this jewelry box. 

The top is shaped like the yin and yang symbol and it can be opened by sliding each half to the side ☯️. When the top is slid open, several, convenient storage compartments are revealed. 

The case can easily be carried around thanks to its two straps.

· a total of 12 sections, each with their cover, welcoming several gems
· 15cm x 15cm x 9cm
· current retail price is around 60€, made in Europe
· material is synthetic with an outside imitation leather
· perfect for storage at home, and carriage when traveling.
  • État: Utilisé - Excellent
  • Couleur: Rouge


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