
Off White Shoes

  • État: Utilisé - Bon
  • Taille de la chaussure: 37
250,00 CHF
Était: 300,00 CHF

262,50 CHF incl. Protection Acheteur

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Options de livraison

Colis, à partir de 7,00 CHF
Retrait à Zürich 8037, Gratuit



These stylish white sneakers with red and white laces are the perfect addition to any casual outfit. The off-white hue gives them a trendy, worn-in look that adds character to your ensemble. The size 37 ensures a comfortable fit, while the dual-colored laces add a pop of color to the overall design. 

Despite being used, these sneakers are still in great condition and have plenty of life left in them. The picture provided gives you a clear idea of the wear and tear, allowing you to make an informed decision before purchasing. Whether you're running errands or meeting up with friends, these sneakers will keep you looking fashionable and feeling comfortable all day long.
  • État: Utilisé - Bon
  • Taille de la chaussure: 37
  • Couleur: Blanc, Orange


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