
Chanel Sunglasses

  • État: Utilisé - Excellent
60,00 CHF
Était: 80,00 CHF

63,00 CHF incl. Protection Acheteur

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Options de livraison

Colis, à partir de 7,00 CHF
Retrait à Zürich 8037, Gratuit



Elevate your style with these chic Chanel sunglasses in classic black. The sleek black frame exudes sophistication, while the tinted lenses provide both style and protection from the sun's rays. 

These sunglasses are the perfect accessory for any outfit, whether you're heading to the beach or running errands in the city. The timeless design ensures that they will never go out of style, making them a versatile addition to your wardrobe. 

 The high-quality materials used in these sunglasses guarantee durability and long-lasting wear, so you can enjoy them for years to come. Treat yourself to these stylish Chanel sunglasses and step out in confidence wherever you go.
  • État: Utilisé - Excellent
  • Couleur: Noir


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