I’m not sure if that’s possible. From my side yes, it would also be easier for me to put both items in one package but i don‘t know if marko can do that with the shipping label. I will have to check with marko if it is possible. :)
Hello again, you can find below what marko responsed:
Good question! Unfortunately, we don't offer this feature yet (but our team is working on it).
I can give you some tips though:
The first item should be purchased with the shipping option. This way, the buyer will get your contact information and can ask if all the items will fit in a single package. If the answer is yes, enable the pickup option for the other listings. Then the other items can be purchased using the "free" pickup method. Once everything arrives in a single shipment, just be sure to confirm that they want to keep each item and we'll take care of completing the orders.
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Cela taille grand?? Pourriez vous me donner les mesures épaule à épaule?? Merci
Zeige 6 Antworten
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Merci, c’est possible de vous prendre 2 articles mais d’avoir 1x les frais de port ? Merci
I’m not sure if that’s possible. From my side yes, it would also be easier for me to put both items in one package but i don‘t know if marko can do that with the shipping label. I will have to check with marko if it is possible. :)
Ok keep me posted !! I want the Yellow Jogging Off white and this tshirt. 😊
Great☺️👍🏻 I just asked the marko team if it is possible and they will response tomorrow. Hopefully it will be possible:))
Hello again, you can find below what marko responsed: Good question! Unfortunately, we don't offer this feature yet (but our team is working on it). I can give you some tips though: The first item should be purchased with the shipping option. This way, the buyer will get your contact information and can ask if all the items will fit in a single package. If the answer is yes, enable the pickup option for the other listings. Then the other items can be purchased using the "free" pickup method. Once everything arrives in a single shipment, just be sure to confirm that they want to keep each item and we'll take care of completing the orders.
ce la taille grand. La personne sur la photo mesure 1,92 m.