guter Allrounder-Ski, letzter Vollservice im 2024, passende Nordica-Skischuhe (älteres Modell, deshalb kostenlos, Schuhgrösse 42) können bei Bedarf mit den Skier bei mir zuhause in Zürich abgeholt werden.
Tomorrow I will be in Flumserberg all day. Could pick them up around 7-8pm when im back in Zurich. Are they in good stage? How many more seasons do they have aprox?
Would you accept 50? I can come pick them up to your place in Zurich today
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ok 50, i am back in zuerich tmr (30.12) let me know if you want to pick them up
Tomorrow I will be in Flumserberg all day. Could pick them up around 7-8pm when im back in Zurich. Are they in good stage? How many more seasons do they have aprox?
Ahhh tomorrow is 29. The 30th I can pick them up any time that suits you!
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not the newest model, but in good shape, did the last big service last year which has cost me more than 50 fr….tmr is monday, 30.12, just let me know
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Hi! Sorry for the mix of dates, I am on my way to Flumberberg. Would tomorrow 31st morning work for you? I live in Kirsche Fluntern, Zurich
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yes this works, i will be at home, freigutstrasse 5, Tunnelstrasse tram stop
Thank you so much and sorry for the hassle, I finally bought some new ones which were very discounted!
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